Fuck-beth By William Shakesthespear ( short story by Kartik )

Instagram is full of creepy couple videos, spring is here even the butterflies are coming out but Fuck-beth is not.

Valentine’s week has just started today, It is one of those horny evening’s February walk for Fuck-beth.

He is searching for a bedmate for Valentine’s week and he sees three Bitches walking towards him.

Bitch 1- He looks like a lost hymen

Bitch-2 These german shepherds I say! They all look like navy officers who can’t even masturbate because of the tides.

Bitch 1- But I bet his dick hasn’t sailed enough.

Bitch3- Ladyfuck is the only Bitch who likes these German Shepherds

Fuck-beth’s eyes light up like a red bulb in an old brothel.

Fuck-beth – Where can I find that bitch?

Bitch2- She is a husky you filthy faithful family dog,

You won’t get a sniff.

Fuck-beth – I can try though just tell me where she lives?

Bitch1- She lives around the block and her owner is looking for a partner who is ready to mate her.

Fuck-beth – This is perfect! But how can I contact her owner?

Bitch2- I don’t know captain!

Bitch1- Try to show your owner that you need a bitch like her in your life.

Bitch-3 Yes, try to fuck whatever you see.

And this was it! When your passion reaches a certain level, making efforts to achieve your dream is a piece of cake and for Fuck-beth it literally was a piece of cake that he thought would be the right thing to showcase his passion.

After spoiling his owner’s Birthday party Fuck-Beth decided to embarrass her more.

When his owner was making out with her stepdad he started to Fuck the picture of her mother.

If you are a girl who has a fantasy of making out with your imaginary or real stepdad and while you are living your fantasy your dog is trying to fuck a picture of your mother.

It would look weird despite the fact that you were making out with your stepdad.

Fuck-beth tried everything lamp, stool, pushup bra, green tea. One morning he got really carried away he started showing his passion on his owner’s old grandpa’s leg. That was the moment that his owner decided he needs a bitch.

Ladyfuck’s owner got in touch with Fuck-beth’s owner. After discussing each other’s stepdad for a while they both decided that their dog’s needed some action.

So on 14th April Ladyfuck arrives at Fuck-beth’s house.

Fuck-beth – Hey I am Fuck-beth, Happy Valentine’s day.

Ladyfuck- Okay

Fuck-beth- You are so beautiful

Ladyfuck- You are familiar with the three bitches aren’t you?

Fuck-beth – They must have told you about me.

Ladyfuck- They are just trying to make my life more difficult.

( moving her tail slowly in the air, Fuck-beth’s mouth is full of water )

Fuck-beth- Don’t worry I will take it easy

Ladyfuck- I am so sorry for spoiling your mood but you know I feel a little different from other bitches. I don’t feel like I need a dog in my life at all.

Fuck-beth – What do you mean? Don’t you want to enjoy this moment?

Ladyfuck- I like bitches, I just love their movement. Everything about them is so sexy.

I am planning to get a #pride tattoo on my tail too.

( One year later )

Fuck-beth is feeling the February wind pushing his tail inside his hole, he winks at the sky wondering when he will get his mate.

Then he sees three assholes walking towards him.

Asshole1- Your tail looks short

Asshole2- Can you please stop doing that in public! Dogs like you are a curse for bitches.

Asshole- Rojo will destroy him.

Fuck-beth’s eyes light up like that lamp in the candle march of #pride movement.

Fuck-beth- Who is he?

The End


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