Smiling at everything by Kartik

From those corridors in school To these adulthood passages in life, I am smiling at everything. From that first kiss To these random faces at Tinder, I am smiling at everything. From that football game in the evening To writing a sports blog to earn, I am smiling at everything. From dreaming about life with […]

Fuck-beth By William Shakesthespear ( short story by Kartik )

Instagram is full of creepy couple videos, spring is here even the butterflies are coming out but Fuck-beth is not. Valentine’s week has just started today, It is one of those horny evening’s February walk for Fuck-beth. He is searching for a bedmate for Valentine’s week and he sees three Bitches walking towards him. Bitch […]

What you wish for By Kartik (poetry)

Her paintings are kept in the sun, in front of the sky. Twelve candles are awaiting her next wish. Sunday afternoon, friends dressed up, balloons flying high. Jokes of her friend stopped her brush’s swish. Later that evening she found her father staring at that incompleted art. His curiosity wanted her to explain what she […]

A fourteen-year-old letter by Kartik (poetry)

Christmas made Lene read a very old letter that he wrote for his father. He grabbed his cup of tea, removed his tie, ignored the messages from his boss. “School bus felt like a police van, Tutions tortured me. You committed the crime of not letting me decide But the case was filed against me, […]